Ironicschmoozer’s Weblog

Racist Big Government Crushes Minority Neighborhood– in Romania

A Unitarian Universalist I know sent me this summary and this link.  It’s pretty terrible, so I hope we can raise awareness and voices of protest.

Over 100 people living in a yard of houses on 50 Vulturilor Street, Bucharest, Romania, were forcefully evicted on Monday, September 15. The community has decided from the outset to protest and reclaim their rights. This fundamental right has been gravely violated when local police brutalized several members of the community on the 15th and the 16th of September. Among those targeted were children, elderly persons and persons with disabilities. The evicted have currently no genuine alternatives for relocation. They consider the treatment of officials a blunt breakage of their rights and a racist act given that most of the evictees identify as Roma So far 50 Romanian organizations joined the solidarity network progressively built with the evicted community on Vulturilor Street, either by asking local authorities to find immediately an adequate housing solution or by helping the people resist and organize in the street. The community is determined to keep protesting until their demands are met and the housing issue becomes a priority for the state and local authorities! More details here:

They need money for food, medicines, tents, blankets, sleeping bags (wet and they keep changing), diapers for babies, plastic foils, fuel.