Ironicschmoozer’s Weblog

UUSS Spirit Play Summary Achievements 2010-11

UUSS began the Spirit Play program in fall of 2009 for our children in grades 1 through 5.  Our attendance on a given Sunday has ranged from 8 to 25 kids.  For the RE cycle from mid-September to mid-May, the Spirit Play program celebrates these activities:

6 volunteers in Story Teller Role                    9 volunteers in Door Keeper Role

5 volunteers as Feast Program Providers         5 volunteers as Story Set Makers

3 volunteers leading UURTHSONG garden work or soup making in UUSS kitchen

22 regular story or lesson days; 5 Feast Program days;

1 room orientation & 1 Work (play) day.

1 All-RE Community Day–Spirit Play kids & junior and senior high youth, MLK Sunday

6 All-Ages Worship Sundays; 3 Sundays working in UURTHSONG garden or UUSS kitchen.

A training/refresher in August plus one in spring for new and current teachers.

A fall Spirit Play Parent Orientation session (mandatory for new registrations in program).

We have an inventory of 31 story sets and welcome additions.  If you have questions or would like to learn how to join the fun in any of the above roles, contact Lee at

UU Youth Conference, Retreat and Summer Camp dates 2011-12
I received this from Jason George and the Rev. Jeanelyse Doran Adams of the PCD.
I have highlighted in RED the things that relate to high school (YRUU) and in GREEN those that relate to junior high (MUUGS).   (to my non-UU blog readers:  participation is limited to children & youth who participate in Sunday services and religious education programs in UU congregations.  The camps and retreats are not open.  Likewise adult volunteers and staff must be screened, and must be approved by their ministers.)
WUUKY is a summer camp for UUs age 14-20.
You will see also that the PCD is holding another Coming of Age cycle.  Indeed, the PCD will have Coming of Age every year now, not every other year, so every church can choose when or how often it wants to participate.

the Family Minister

PS to JHYG teachers:  Please let your youth and their parents know about this, and especially that there is a MUUGS camp in July!
For MUUGs retreats, registration forms will be put on the district site,
PS to SHYG teachers:  note that there is a YRUU Spirituality  Conference  May 20-22–a month away, and a WUUKY camp in July.
For YRUU conferences, check out That will have registration forms for upcoming cons, and WUUKY, as well as what to do with those forms.
 Here are all current youth dates for youth events through summer of 2012.
May 20-22, 2011 YRUU Spirituality Con, San Mateo
July 4-9, MUUGs CampMendocino Woodlands (Camp 3)
July 4-9 WUUKY, Mendocino Woodlands (Camp 2)
August 19-21, YRUU Social Justice Con
August 26-28, MUUGs RetreatLivermore
October 14-16, Coming of Age Threshhold Retreat, Santa Rosa (Ropes course Retreat)
October 21-23, YRUU Fall Con
November 4-6, MUUGs Retreat
January 13-16, 2012, MUUGs retreat (note the 3 day weekend)
January 20-22, 2012, Coming of Age Street Retreat, San Francisco
February 17-22, 2012, YRUU Elections Con
April 13-15, 2012, Coming of Age Solo Vigil
April 20-22, 2012,  MUUGs Retreat
July 2-7, 2012 MUUGs Camp
July 2-7, 2012 WUUKY 
August 24-26, 2012, MUUGs Camp

Newcomers’ Membership Orientation — in two parts — on May 16 & 23
April 18, 2011, 5:40 pm
Filed under: Becoming and Being Part of a UU Congregation

The last Newcomers’ Orientation to Membership for this church year is on two Monday nights, May 16 & 23, from 6:30-9:00 PM. We’ll start with a light supper at 6:00 PM on May 16.  (Reservations necessary.)

Sign up at the Welcome Table in the white binder, and mark your calendar! We can hire child care in Room 11, but we need child care reservations by May 8.

This is a chance to get to know UUSS and other newcomers, learn some history, take a tour, and find out how to get connected here.  It’s a chance for us to get to know you as well.

If you’ve been coming regularly, you probably think of yourself as part of the community. You support UU values. You want your kids to make friends with those who are learning the same spiritual values.  I bet you hope society at large will be more inclusive, accepting, fair, generous, socially just and environmentally sustainable.  You are ready to be a member!

As as a member, not only will you gain a voice and a vote in matters of church life, you will show that this is a growing and vital community, a place to put down roots.

UU Readers: New Book Group Meets May 17

DATE CHANGE:  This will NOT take place May 1 but in the evening of May 17

            In February, our new UU Readers group read and discussed a book about the immigration crisis along the Arizona border at our first meeting. 

            On May 17, we reflect on William Ellery Channing’s sermon “Likeness to God” and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Divinity School Address.  Find them both online or at a library.  Read them in advance, please.  Channing’s sermon is at   Emerson’s address is at

            We meet 6:30-8:00 PM (before dark) Tuesday, May 17. We will decide on books to read for summer months.  Interested in facilitating a future session?  Please sign up for this group at the Adult Enrichment table so we have enough room! 

LAY LEADERSHIP: Expectations & Appreciation: Leading and Listening Together

April’s UNIGRAM newsletter listed nominees for election to various leadership groups at the church.  Congratulations to the Nominating Committee!  Congrats to the nominees, and thank you for agreeing to serve.

After election at the May 22 Congregational Meeting, these folks will join teams consisting of newer and long-term members, bringing a mix of experience, new ideas, enthusiasm, creativity, imagination—and the ability to listen.

I want to offer my own expectations of lay leadership and of ourselves as we support lay leaders.  This is based on 15 years of ministry and 25 as a UU.

Leaders are involved and present in church life.  This includes Sunday services and coffee hour and other times of fellowship and work.  That’s because listening and reflecting together can be done only if we are present with one another.  “Taking the pulse” of a community is a hands-on activity.

Leaders strive to assume good will on the part of everyone, until behaviors reveal harmful effects or intentions.  Leaders gain insight when they take a “systems” perspective of things that are going on—remembering our church history, recognizing its culture, and knowing when we must challenge that culture.

Leaders appreciate that not everybody is a long-timer, or knows how things happen around here.  People are busy and do not notice every Blue Sheet article or email blurb.  We all need clear and frequent communication, and reminders.  And forgiveness when we forget.

Leaders work for “The Good of the Whole”—that is, the health of the whole community, the quality and effectiveness of its programs and activities, and the helpfulness of its policies, rules, and practices.   How will a decision bring us toward our mission and goals?

Here are my expectations for the rest of us:  Assume good intentions on the part of our lay leaders.  Thank them for their service.  They are giving UUSS… many volunteer hours, attention, active listening, openness to questions and suggestions, creativity, and risk-taking.

Read the newsletter, Blues Sheet, Weekly Email, as often as we can.  Come to church.  Hang around.  Give generously to the programs and outreach of the congregation.  Get connected.  And, think about how you might give back some time in support of UUSS.

Yours in service,

A difference of perspective, a difference of attitude
April 18, 2011, 3:40 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

What do you think of this YouTube video?

An Accidental Faith in and Unlikely Place: Meet the Unitarian Universalists of the Philippines

Sunday, March 6, 2011, Unitarian Universalist Society, Sacramento, CA

Hymns: 298, Wake Now, My Senses; 123, Spirit of Life/Fuente de Amor;

insert: Maglipay Universalist (Be Joyful, Univesalists)

Reading: Unitarian Universalist Principles (read antiphonally, left side/right side)

Special Music:  “Welcome to the Family,” sung by Eric Stetson

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There are 29 UU congregations in the Philippines, nearly all of them on the small, forested island of Negros.  The national headquarters is in Dumaguete, a small college city on the coast.  It has fewer cars than motorbikes, including motorcycle taxis with sidecars, known as  pedi-cabs.  Most congregations are in mountain villages, with a few in coastal villages.  For money and food, the people grow rice, sugar cane, corn, root vegetables.  Some have livestock. On the coast, they fish.  Most of their ministers have a high-school education, if they are lucky.  They learned their ministries on the job, with mentoring by elders.  There’s no salary, so they have other jobs too:  farmer, teacher, school principal.  The national headquarters helps with a little money and a clergy uniform—a shirt with a flaming chalice logo.

With over 7,000 islands, the Philippines is the second largest island chain in the world, but half of them have no people.  It was the first western colony in Asia.  The Spanish empire and Roman Catholic Church controlled the islands for nearly four centuries.  Unlike Spanish colonies in the Americas, the empire prevented Filipinos from learning Spanish.  This way, divided by multiple native languages and scattered on separate islands, Filipinos were less likely to unify themselves against their oppressors.  Today’s richest families date back to the 1500s.   Spain granted large pieces of land to its elite families, who set up dynasties on the islands and sent their kids back to Europe for expensive educations.   Resistance movements arose, but Independence was not achieved until 1898, in the Spanish American War.  The next year, however, a Philippine-American war solidified the islands as an American colony.  Protestant missionaries and other teachers from the United States brought English to the masses.  Now with 100 million people, the Philippines is the world’s fourth largest English-speaking country, even though not everybody speaks it.[i]  After the Second World War, we gave full control of the country to Filipinos, leaving intact four centuries of wealth inequality.  Now, 40 percent of the people live on $2 a day.  As with other poor countries, many of its citizens live and work overseas and send money home.  Five percent of Filipinos are Muslim, ten percent are Protestant, and 80 percent are Roman Catholic.

Is it obvious to you that Unitarian Universalism would take root there?  How did it happen?  Well, it almost didn’t happen.

Let’s go back to the years after World War II.  Toribio Quimada, a young man from a large Catholic family, has become a Protestant—a Pentecostal.  In the lively and spirit-filled Pentecostal church on the island of Negros, he shows himself to be a natural preacher.   He throws himself into the ministry in remote villages, even as he has to work to feed his wife and kids.   One day in the mail Toribio gets a package wrapped in an American newspaper.  He sees a listing of churches and looks for his Pentecostal denomination, Iglesia Universal de Christo.  Instead he sees the Universalist Church of America.  Sounds close!  This Universalist church is located in Wisconsin.  He writes a letter to it and waits for an answer.  Nobody answers.  A few years later, 1955 to be precise, he looks in an almanac, and again he finds the Universalist Church.  He writes another letter, this time to Massachusetts.  A reply comes this time, and a long-distance friendship begins.

He loves the gospel of this church:  God is love.  Everybody’s going to heaven.  Everybody is a child of God: rich, poor, male, female, old and young.  God bless everybody–No exceptions.

He wants to spread the word.  He writes the Americans:  “Will you send us missionaries?”

Well, we don’t have missionaries, they say, but they will help.  They send worship and education materials, Bibles and other books, and a little money.  Toribio puts his life into this new ministry.   He travels from village to village–on horseback, or hiking on foot, if that’s what it takes.  He preaches for an hour in front of market places, plays his guitar, makes friends.  People listen, some argue, and some of them come to church.  He gathers church members, starts new congregations.   These are the poorest of the poor, and they spread the message:  Be joyful!  God is love.  You are a child of God!

As Toribio spreads the faith in the peasant class of this Philippine island, over in the United States the once-numerous Universalists are in decline.   They join the American Unitarian Association in a merger, in 1961.  Toribio stays in the UU family.  Materials and a little money keep coming over, and he welcomes UU visitors.  He registers the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Philippines with the Philippine government.  He launches 25 churches, recruits ministers and mentors them, writes hymns, and gives money and advice on community projects.

[One village minister tells me that Toribio recruited him 31 years ago to serve the church where he is still working:  Toribio said: “If not you, then who else will do it?”

The man resisted:  “But I have to learn the Principles and the doctrine?”

His reply:  “We don’t have any doctrine—only the Principles!”]

The villagers are vulnerable, because they don’t own the land they work and live on.  Toribio advocates for land reform and fair treatment of the peasants.  In 1981, his wife dies of cancer.  With small children, he persists in his ministry, starting community projects, helping churches and the villages around them.  He’s not a militant, only a community activist, but even this puts him at risk.

He applies for his church to join our Unitarian Universalist Association, the UUA.  Unfortunately, UUA bylaws limit membership to North American congregations.  Toribio persists, and UUA leadership agrees to put it up for a vote, and let congregational delegates decide whether to amend our denomination’s bylaws.  The UUA plans to welcome Reverend Toribio Quimada at the General Assembly in June of 1988.  It expects a positive decision on the vote and plans a big celebration with our guests as new members of the UU family.  Over there, Toribio’s activism has made him some enemies.  A few months before he’s to leave for General Assembly, one night in the middle of the night, his house is set on fire.  His children escape, but he is shot and killed.  Nobody has ever been charged.

At a bittersweet General Assembly, North American Unitarian Universalists revise the bylaws to welcome the UU Church of the Philippines as part of our movement.  Rebecca Sienes, Toribio’s grown-up daughter, and her family flee the Philippines.   Rebecca gets an office job at the UU theological seminary in Chicago, and begins auditing classes there.  She considers going back to Negros to help the church.  She’s in good shape in America:  she even gets a green card.  Why give up permanent residency and risk going home?  Her Philippine-American immigrant friends can’t believe she’s thinking about it.   Even her seminary dean says, Rebecca, maybe you want to stay here.  Can’t you help the Philippines just as much from here?

No!  Ten years after her father’s murder, she returns home to lead his church. Not only is she one of the few ministers in the UU Church of the Philippines to have a degree in ministry.  In her Catholic nation, she’s one of the few ordained women clergy.  Her husband’s abuse and alcoholism leads her to separate from him, but in her country divorce is illegal.

On my recent UU Pilgrimage to the Philippines (March 10-25) Rebecca is one of our two escorts.  The other is her right hand man, the Reverend Nihal Attanayake, an immigrant from Sri Lanka.  He directs the national UU office’s high school and college scholarship fund, micro-lending program, leadership training programs, and partner church programs, among other things.  Nihal visits the congregations every month, riding a bus and hiring a motorcycle driver to take him into the villages.  For our trip in March, they’ve hired vans, reserved hotel rooms, and kept us on schedule visiting 11 churches and enjoying beach time, museums, shopping, a whale watch and an open-water fish farm.

A typical stop on our trip looks like this.  The vans take us up a mountain road, steering around rocks and muddy ruts, and we pour out and see a colorful welcome sign hanging on the church, often with our names listed.  Nihal, our host, has sent them his printout of our group information, and on one welcome sign we saw printed our full names, hometowns… and passport numbers.  A crowd of all ages greets us in front of the church.  Everybody shakes hands, and we go inside.

All of the church buildings we visit are simple, most of them just one room, about the size of our lobby or the Fahs Classroom.  The floors are dirt or concrete, the walls made of concrete blocks or wood and bamboo.  Roofs are corrugated metal or thatched palm leaves.  There is no running water inside, and few have electricity.  The doorway is open, and the windows, but they may have painted iron bars or plain white shutters.  Colorful curtains border the windows inside, and through them you can see mountains, fields or the sea.  On the wall you might see a fabric banner of the congregation, a certificate of its registration with the government, and posters listing elected lay leaders of the congregation, and of its women’s organization, its youth group and young adult group. Many have the UU Principles pasted around the walls–eight of them:  our seven plus one more, which they make number one:  It says, “We affirm and promote that there is God.”

We sit on wooden benches, usually not painted.  A young lay leader welcomes us in English and introduces the minister for greetings and a prayer in their language—Cebuano.  They might all sing the Filipino national anthem, with hands on hearts, and we stand and listen.  A group of children sings a hymn to us and recites the Principles—in Cebuano—as they do every week in Sunday school.  In one church, a little girl sings a solo from the hymnal[ii].  In another, a teenager sings “Welcome to the Family,” but most often, everyone sings it together.  After we Americans have come to learn this American song, we join in.  (Then we can’t get it out of our heads!)

In three of the churches a pair of little girls treat us to an identical dance number as an American pop song blares from a boom box.  Lay leaders take turns addressing us, with translation by Reverend Rebecca if necessary.  After anybody sings or speaks and after every introduction, there is applause.

It’s warm and humid, but inside we’re away from the hot sun.  As I sit, many faces turn to me with smiles, whether teeth are missing, decaying, or healthy and white.  A few mothers nurse their babies openly; children wander around and look up at these rare visitors with cameras in front of our faces.  Scrawny dogs dart amid our legs.  Most of the dogs in the Philippines do not look healthy or happy, and people don’t seem to care to pay much attention to them, even if they’re close at hand.

On every visit, each of us from the United States will rise and give our name and hometown, and give greetings from our home congregation.   If a visitor is from the American partner church of the village we are visiting, they give out gifts to the children.  One visiting minister shows her Philippine partner church a poster of pictures of her Los Angeles-area parishioners.  Three people from a Wisconsin church present a handmade album of letters and pictures from home, including staff, lay leaders, a group shot of the whole congregation and a few scenes of snow.

After one more song and the minister’s closing prayer, everybody shakes hands with everybody else.  That’s also how worship services end in UU churches there:

everyone greets everyone else at the end–all ages shaking hands and smiling.  Let’s try that here, today!

After the welcome ceremony, we get acquainted, walk around outside, and shoot lots of photographs.  They always have homemade snacks for us—unless it’s a lunchtime visit.  In this case, we dine family style on long tables, sitting on borrowed plastic chairs.  They serve fried chicken, pork knuckles, beans, noodles, fish, eggs.  Veggie lovers enjoy a dish of eggplant, squash, green beans and bitter gourd.   And white rice.  You have rice three meals a day, every day, in the Philippines.  There’s also pineapple, watermelon, mango, little bananas, and tender sweet coconut in its own juice.  We drink water, juice, or Coca Cola.  Lunch makes me self-conscious, as our hosts don’t sit with us.  They wait until we’ve started eating before they load their own plates.  Dogs dash after a fallen piece of food.  Kids have multiple helpings.

Away from the table, we mingle and wander, converse about village life, learn the history of the congregation.   On a Sunday afternoon, after worship and lunch, a group of children walk me by shacks and houses and rice fields.  They show me four penned up hogs, and a duck with her ducklings.  A man rides by on a water buffalo, leading a younger one behind it.  I ask teenagers how long the daily trip to high school is—if they’re still in it—and what their plans are.

At whatever time and on whatever day we visit—on Sunday or on weekdays—there is no pressure of time for them or for us.   No sense that anyone has something more important to do.  No need to be anyplace but right where we are, there with one another.  Fully present, we sneak every smile and squeeze every bit of good cheer we can out of the time together.  One evening an American friend emails people back home:  “This is depressing,” he says.  “These people are incredibly poor and they are incredibly happy.  What’s wrong with us!”

When it’s time to go, leaving takes a while:  group photos, hugs, lots of waving, shouts of “come back next year!” and more waves.

Seven UU churches there are partnered with congregations here, from San Diego to Castine, Maine.  I know on this visit that a few churches were ready and waiting for an American partnership.  As I encounter each one, I wonder what you might think of it.

There’s only one UU church in Metro Manila, on the island of Luzon, and it’s hoping for a partner, as well as a minister.  We meet them on a Sunday afternoon, when they hold worship on a narrow street in a crowded room with walls that go only up to my neck.  Over the neck-high wall a rooster in a cage crows, traffic passes by, and boys play basketball in the street.  It strikes me as odd that the first thing listed on their Sunday afternoon order of service is “Moment of Silence.”  The girl leading worship wows us with her poise and loud, clear voice.  I love the people here.  But is this too urban?  How can we feel at home that loud and crowded spot?  I prefer the island life!

From the high-up village of Nagbinlod, there’s a spectacular ocean view.  Church members wait for three years for the first fruits of its new mango orchard.   With congregational help, the village has laid a pipe along the mountain road.  Now families can walk to the tap for fresh water.  Inside the church, a poster on the wall shows more plans.  Step 1:  expand the chapel–30 bags of concrete.  During the ceremony, the youth group leader speaks to us, and later I take her picture pointing to her name on the listing of youth officers.  “Can I meet the others?” I ask.  Well… one is lives in the city to attend high school, and the other two girls are away in Manila, working as maids.  After the welcome ceremony, we don’t have coffee–but coconuts, with a straw.  But maybe this place is too remote for us!  Is the road too muddy?

The village of Nataban is on the other side of the island, and we visit it a week later.  It’s only a half hour from the charming six-bedroom hotel where we spend the night, a nice place overlooking the mountains.  Well, there is an extra half hour getting to the Nataban church:  one of our vans gets stuck in the mud and the driver can’t get it out.  We all crowd in the other one, and go the rest of the way.

We get out, look up a hill and see steps carved in the hard clay.  At the first landing of the steps, kids are waiting to welcome us.  At the second landing, adults and youth are waiting and smiling.  There are 15 families in the church, and with all the kids, it’s a crowd.  Being unsure when we’d arrive, they’ve waited for hours.  I don’t know how long they’ve been standing there.

On the tour, we have plastic name badges.  They, as in most churches, wear construction paper nametags hanging around their necks with yarn, first names printed clearly.  You may recall I said that dogs don’t seem well cared for over there.  Well, In Nataban, I see a dog, and it’s wearing a name tag of its own.  I smile and think:  “This is the place!”

Songs, speeches, introductions laughter, applause.  A woman named Shirley has a peanut roasting business in the city down the mountain.  She gives each one of us a choice of bag of her merchandise.

The lay leader introduces the minister, Reverend William.  On the order of service cover you can see my picture with him and his church banner.  He’s 45, married, with two teenagers.  He speaks to his own congregation as well as to us.  He apologizes that in the past year he’s been able to visit only once a month:  his family lives far away, and his wife has been ill.  We have already been told that she has a persistent and severe mental illness.  She wanders among us now, smiling but fragile.               Afterwards, I learn that this is not the only hardship this congregation has endured.  Because of the weak economy there, a member named Jonathan was living on another island, and sending money back home.  Arlyn, his wife, lived alone, with two girls, a three-year-old and a six-year-old.   Homes in this mountain village are spread apart, many out of earshot of one another.  In 2009, a man from Nataban was drunk and deranged, and he came to the house.  He assaulted Arlyn.  She ran out of the house with the girls, ran down a hill, and fell on the rocks. He stabbed her 13 times, killing her and splattering the baby in blood.  The six-year-old ran to a neighbor’s house.   The man was arrested, and his trial is now underway, in the nearby city, at the slow pace of one hearing every month or two.  Reverend Nihal, the program director from the national UU office takes the bus out and attends every hearing to be of support.

After the murder, a lay leader named David helped a number of the terrified families to move closer together and closer to the church.  A member of the UU church in San Mateo, California, made a grant so Jonathan could return from the other island and live with his daughters again.  In the past year, he began dating Shirley, the peanut shop owner.  Now they’re engaged.

Before we leave, we make plans to meet Shirley and Jonathan in the city the next morning, to buy a load of her delicious peanuts to bring home.   If you sign up for my slide show, I’ll give you some.

When I realize how much our Unitarian Universalist values mean to people on the other side of the globe, it helps me do my work here in our community with more joy and gratitude.  Our good news of inclusion and love can lift hearts and liberate spirits in cultures and situations and people of great variety. The message takes many forms, but shows the same spirit.   There’s no one way to be UU, except to welcome others with open hearts and open arms.  

On our arrival into the Philippines, as the plane began descending toward Manila, all the passengers had to complete the form for the Philippine immigration and customs administration, so we could get through the airport:  origin, destination, length of stay.  Purpose of travel:  Business.  Government.  Holiday/Pleasure.  This is the box to check to avoid further questions at the window:  Holiday/Pleasure.

But there is a box that says Visiting Friends and Relatives.  That’s the one I checked, and I turned it the form, and left the airport.  And over the next two weeks, I learned that Visiting Family and Friends was the right choice.

I found family over there that a year earlier I hadn’t known that I have—that we have.

Family… saying welcome.

People… keeping the faith for us , and keeping it with us.

Kids, teens, adults and elders… waiting to welcome us with little more than smiles, songs, applause, and all the time in the world.   A Unitarian Universalist family proclaiming with joy:  God bless everyone, no exceptions!

May they be blessed, and may you be blessed, and may everyone.

Bless the whole world, no exceptions.


[i]  This Wikipedia article lists USA, India, Nigeria, Philippines, & UK as the top five.  Lonely Planet Philippines says it is the third-largest English speaking country.

[ii] “Creators of a New Reality,” written by a group of former divinity school students at Silliman University, one of them a UU.

Thanks for Your Generosity Beyond the Walls and Inside UUSS

UUSS has a tradition of sharing half its morning offering every Sunday with a community partner.  In February we raised $1,665 to support the families served by the Relationship Skills Center.

In March we raised just shy of $2,000 for the Mustard Seed School, which helps homeless kids get an education in an atmosphere of dignity and love.  In April our offering will be shared with the Children’s Receiving Home.  Click the link to see their home page.

Our Stewardship Campaign has ended, but not all the financial pledges have been tallied yet.  The Board will need an accurate projection very soon when it finishes the budget proposal.  Do you still have a pledge card that you have been meaning to turn in?  Or do you still need one?  Ginger Enrico or the church office can solve this problem right away.    You can find the PDF of Pledge Card 2001-12 at

Thank you for digging deep and reaching out.

Let’s Get this Party Started! Family Minister’s Ideas & Request for Help

Three years ago UUSS members adopted a five-year plan and a mission statement.  The goals include

  • development of the building and grounds to meet the needs of the coming generations of members and friends,
  • deepening connections among members and helping folks get involved and make friends, and
  • strengthening ministries to families and children.  This includes building community across the generations.

I have lots of ideas about the last category, and I am happy to invite you to participate. Here are a few ideas—some new for us, some tried and true:

  • UU District Assembly in Fremont—You’re kidding me!  No, we hear that Young Fun, Child Care and MUUGs programming is very popular with families.  May 13-15.  Eric, Doug, Erika, Carole, Seya and I have registered!
  • All -Church Family Camp—this annual outing an hour away takes place June 17-19.  Have you been?  Can you help organize for it?  See Fran Kennedy or Ruth VanUnen.  (Doug’s got his guitar in the car already, so buy the marshmallows!)
  • A UUSS picnic with outdoor games to kick off the summer.  A group of members made this a party to remember last June.  You can help make one happen again.
  • A swimming and putting-green party for families with kids at a member’s home.  A wonderful person has suggested hosting this, but we need some organizers. See me.
  • A UUSS night at Raley Field to watch the River Cats and feel the Delta breeze.
  • A workday around the RE building in late summer; lemonade afterwards!
  • A Blessing of the Animals ritual for pets–in the spirit of St. Francis–out in our meadow on a Saturday afternoon in September/October.
  • A Dia de los Muertos (day of the dead) potluck supper, with home-cooked dishes reflecting our many ethnic heritages, or favorites of our departed ancestors or parents.
  • Game night at UUSS—puzzles, board games, or some active games to use up some of that child-energy.  We could do this once per month.
  • Thanksgiving Dinner—consider if your activity group wants to organize it this year.
  • Tree-trimming crafts party and holiday potluck dinner Dec. 1 or 8.
  • This is not nearly enough.  I think there is room for more fun, more fellowship across the generations.

I hope you will let me know if you have ideas, and let me know what you think of these.  Remember, a community event must be a community effort.

Yours in service,


PS—Thanks to all who have made pledges of financial support for the coming budget year.  No matter what you get out of being part of UUSS, your gift makes a difference for the good of the whole.  And that makes a difference in my life.  Thank you!

UU Chalice Camp this Summer: July 25-29 at UUSS–Details Here!
 It’s a blessing I was born. It matters what I do with my life.  What I know about god                        is a piece of the truth.   It matters what we do together.  We don’t have to do it alone.
            These are some of Chalice Camp’s UU themes.  We will bring back this week of learning and community building activities for members’ children, grades 1-6.   In 2006 we had 18 kids and 4 Counselors (youth assistants) at UUSS.  Our hardworking leaders recall that it was a great bonding experience for the congregation’s kids.  Activities include circle groups, worship, lunch, arts, theater, discussion, and enough free-choice activities for either the pensive or the exuberant.  Your kid will come home worn out and satisfied.  Bring your own lunch; we’ll provide  snacks.

CAMP DIRECTOR:  Family Minister.

REGISTRAR:  RE Assistant.

VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS:  Jeannine and JoLane from the Religious Education Committee.

TRAINER/CONSULTANTS:  Bonnie and Liz (co-director and RE staffer from UUSS Chalice Camp 2006).

CAMP COUNSELORS:  Trained UU teenagers and UU young adults (college age).  Stipend for  five days of camp service plus a mandatory day of advance training:  $450.  Counselors-in-Training from grades 7-8 will be accepted; no stipend.

VOLUNTEERS:  We are arranging lead and special-activity volunteers and hiring teenage camp counselors.

SCHEDULE:  The camp is July 25-29 from 9-5.  (Extended care 8:30-5:30 for $50 fee.)  Registration deposit of $75 is due by June 5; the deposit is refundable only if we are not able to run the camp.

COST:  Early-bird cost:  $200 per child from pledging households, plus $170 for each additional child from the same family.  Partial financial assistance is available.  For children of those who are not members or pledging friends, the cost is $300 per child; it will be refunded only if we do not have space.  After the June 5 deadline, add $25 per child. Fee includes Chalice Camp tee-shirt, fridge magnet (with the themes as written at the top and Chalice Camp pencil set), so be sure to put the child’s tee-shirt size on your application.

Contact Volunteer Coordinator and advance organizer Jeannine at or (916) 434-5586 with questions. Pick up a brochure and registration form at the RE Welcome Table or contact the RE Assistant and Camp REgistrar at  Senior-high youth (grades 10-12) and college-age young adults (18-22):  Applications to be Camp Counselor are due Sunday, May 22.

For detailed content information on this model, see the Chalice Camp creators’ website: